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Boosting your diet with greens powder

There are many reasons you may want to boost your diet with greens powder. But why are green vegetables just so good for you?

Are green powders healthy?

Green powders are an excellent way to boost your nutrient intake with the power of green vegetables. Designed as a nutritional supplement rather than an alternative, green powders are great for when you need extra nutrients in your diet or, for whatever reason, are finding it difficult to make your fruit and veg targets.

Why are green vegetables good for you?

Green vegetables are full of a pigment called chlorophyll. They also contain a whole host of other nutrients for very little calories which makes them some of the most nutrient dense foods around.

What is chlorophyll?

Chlorophyll is a green pigment found in plants that helps them to convert sunlight into energy. For humans it acts as a powerful anti-oxidant. Generally, but not necessarily, the more green the vegetable the more chlorophyll it contains. That said, if you choose dark green vegetables to include in your diet, you can be sure of a good source of chlorophyll as well as plenty of other nutrients.

What are dark green vegetables?

All vegetables (and fruits) have some nutritional benefit, and the best health advice you can follow is to eat the rainbow. Quite simply this means to eat a wide range of fresh produce, choosing as many different varieties and colours as you can. Fruits and vegetables all contain pigments that give them their colour. These pigments are known as phytonutrients (or plant chemicals) and they are what makes this food category so unique, and so beneficial. The more colours you eat, the higher your intake of beneficial plant chemicals.

Dark green vegetables are a group of vegetables that share similar nutritional characteristics. Other vegetables that are green but do not share the same nutrient profile belong in a different group. Celery, for example. Or iceberg lettuce. These both contain vital nutrients, just different ones. Dark green vegetables may share similarities yet they each have something unique to offer. So within that rainbow, choose many varieties of each colour as well as individual colour groups.

Green leafy vegetables

Most dark green vegetables also come under the heading of leafy greens. There are salad greens, such as rocket and watercress. Then there are those such as kale and chard, which are generally cooked. Broccoli is related to kale, yet also to cauliflower. Some varieties of broccoli are more leafy than others. Baby spinach is seen primarily as a salad leaf, whilst mature spinach tends to need cooking.

Kale and spinach are both examples of leafy greens, and are pretty much nutritional royalty.

Is spinach good for you?

Yes, spinach is super good for you. Not only a good source of chlorophyll, it is packed with vitamins and minerals including over a dozen antioxidant flavonoid compounds to protect against heart disease and bolster your immune system. Spinach is an excellent source of vitamin K that is essential for blood clotting and maintaining healthy bones.

Is kale good for you?

Kale is also exceptionally good for you. Beyond giving that chlorophyll boost, kale is full of amazing nutrient properties. Did you know it contains a substance that can help to balance oestrogen? It also helps to protect bones with calcium and magnesium alongside vitamin K. Kale is also rich in beta-carotene and vitamin C.

How much protein in kale and spinach?

Whilst not protein powerhouses, kale and spinach do not do too badly in the protein stakes. We explore protein supplements in this post about protein powder.

How to use greens powder

Our spinach powder is an excellent way to boost your nutrient intake and ensure you are not missing out on healthy ingredients. This kale powder will also make sure you are getting the nutrients you need.

Simply stir into water, juice, milk or smoothies. You can also add to soups and stews, or even dips and salad dressings. They work particularly well with egg dishes such as scrambled egg or omelette.

How to make green powder taste better

It is true that greens powder can be fairly unpalatable. Luckily we wrote an entire post about green smoothies and how to make them taste nice.


Take a look at our range of smoothie ingredients including green powders. Our organic smoothie powders are also available to buy in bulk online.


Think you are getting enough greens? Why not check out some of our veggie smoothie recipes.

This article was reproduced on this site only with permission from our parent co. the “Gourmet Online Wholesale Grocer”. See the original article here:- Boosting your Diet With Greens Powders

The post Boosting your diet with greens powder appeared first on Boost Nutrients.

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